Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding | Taylor & Francis Group
First Published in 1977. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
(PDF) What's Wrong with Non-Monotonic Logic?
PDF | In this paper ' I ask, and attempt to answer, the following question : What's Wrong with Non-Monotonic Logic? The answer, briefly' is that the... | Find, read and cite all the ...
Defeasible Reasoning
What philosophers call defeasible reasoning is roughly the same as nonmonotonic reasoning in AI. Some brief remarks are made about the nature of reasoning and the relationship between work in ...
Knowledge Representation and Defeasible Reasoning | Henry E. Kyburg Jr. | Springer
This series will include monographs and collections of studies devoted to the investigation and exploration of knowledge, information, and data processing systems of all kinds, no matter whether ...
Deontic Logic in Computer Science
Deontic logic originated from moral philosophy and the philosophy of law as an attempt to formalise normative and legal reasoning. This book draws on the experience of researchers - working in fields ...
Psychological laws and non-monotonic logic
In this essay I enter into a recently published debate between Stephen Schiffer and Jerry Fodor concerning whether adequate sense can be made of the ceteris paribus conditions in special science ...
CiteSeerX — On Reasoning with Default Rules and Exceptions
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): We report empirical results on factors that influence how people reason with default rules of the form "Most x's ...
Defeasibility in Law and Logic
Defeasibility is a concept of interest to lawyers and to logicians. Sometimes legal arrangements are said to be defeasible in the sense that they can be upset or set aside despite an initial...
Detachment and defeasibility in deontic logic
The purpose of the paper is to present a logical framework that allow to formalize a kind of prima facie duties, defeasible conditional duties, indefeasible conditional duties and actual ...
Logical Tools for Modelling Legal Argument - A Study of Defeasible Reasoning in Law | Henry Prakken ...
This book is a revised and extended version of my PhD Thesis 'Logical Tools for Modelling Legal Argument', which I defended on 14 January 1993 at the Free University Amsterdam. The first ...
Jaap Hage, Reasoning with Rules: An Essay on Legal Reasoning and its Underlying Logic - PhilPapers
Rule-applying legal arguments are traditionally treated as a kind of syllogism. Such a treatment overlooks the fact that legal principles and rules are not statements which describe the world, but ...
A Theory of Legal Sentences | Manuel Atienza | Springer
Legal statements are, according to the authors, the most basic elements of the law. Nevertheless they must be considered not only as the pieces of a puzzle, but also as the components of a dynamic ...
Kevin Mulligan, Justification, rule-breaking and the mind - PhilPapers
The view that psychological episodes have a physical nature (physicalism) and the view that they have a mental nature (Cartesian dualism) can be distinguished from the view that they have a ...
Download Citation | Defeasibilism | The author suggests that law is best represented, understood, and taught in the form of open‐ended, defeasible, normative, conditional... | Find, read and cite ...
Why is Legal Reasoning Defeasible?
This paper analyses1the claim that legal reasoning is defeasible, which is indeed a hallmark of some major contributions to the theory of legal reasoning in recent times. Before addressing the...
Non-Monotonicity in Probabilistic Reasoning
We start by defining an approach to non-monotonic probabilistic reasoning in terms of non-monotonic categorical (true-false) reasoning. We identify a type of non-monotonic probabilistic reasoning, ...
Law and Defeasibility
The paper consists of three parts. In the first part five kinds of defeasibility are distinguished that is ontological, conceptual, epistemic, justification and logical defeasibility. In the second ...
Review of Jaap Hage's Law and Defeasibility
Download Citation | Review of Jaap Hage's Law and Defeasibility | Problems associated with defeasible reasoning in the domain of law are discussed. The notion of defeasibility, the role of ...
The Three Faces of Defeasibility in the Law
Abstract. In this paper we will analyse the issue of defeasibility in the law, taking into account research carried out in philosophy, artificial intelligence and legal theory. We will adopt a very ...
Coherence and Nonmonotonicity in Human Reasoning
Nonmonotonic reasoning is often claimed to mimic human common sense reasoning. Only a few studies, though, have investigated this claim empirically. We report four experiments which investigate three ...
Human Nonmonotonic Reasoning: the Importance of Seeing the Logical Strength of Arguments
Three studies of human nonmonotonic reasoning are described. The results show that people find such reasoning quite difficult, although being given problems with known subclass-superclass ...
The Logic of Legal Requirements
When a legal rule requires us to drive on the right, notarize our wills, or refrain from selling bootleg liquor, how are we to describe and understand that requirement? In particular, how does the ...
John L. Pollock, ``Defeasible Reasoning with Variable Degrees of Justification" - PhilPapers
The question addressed in this paper is how the degree of justification of a belief is determined. A conclusion may be supported by several different arguments, the arguments typically being ...
Defeasibility in Legal Reasoning
This paper proposes a logical analysis of defeasibility in legal reasoning.